Kaum zu fassen, das jetzt schon Oktober ist.
On October 1st ...that was monday, i think...oh boy, i have no idea...
But on October 2nd I had to "retake" FCAT, the central examen at the end of each semester. So I went to my designated room on tuesday and took the FCAT reading test. Wich was a 50 pages test with several different texts and multiple choice questions for each of those texts. When they handed me the test, they realized, that i was a foreign exchange student with a translater. -"sorry, no electronic devices"... there I was, without my crapy translator, which wouldn't have helped me anyway, because it has only 40k words (thats very few) but the whole doublesized classroom felt sorry for me^^.
But then they told me, that I didn't have to take the test... but I wanted to take it. I wanted to see, how I do on the first time taking FCAT which 450 students had failed^^. I think I didn't do to bad, but lets wait for the testresults in about 3 month...
The Test went for the whole day. I finished like most of the other students in 5th periode. When I entered the Bandroom for 6th periode Band, some Bandkids came to me and asked if they had really taken away my translator for the test - ...how did they know so fast??
anyway, this afternoon at band practice we were visited by some big dog, who had written our marching sets. So when we marched our show that he had written, he wasn't to happy, since it looked like ...*s-word*. So he made us go over basic marching movements, where we sucked at most, and made us march the show again. But when a thunderstorm came over us, we had to go inside...to bad.
Mednesday 10/3/07
(verfasst am 10/7/07, nachdem ich mein deutsches Buch weitergelesen habe und ich wieder in dieser merkwuerdigen Sprache denken kann...)
Es war der zweite FCAT Test Tag, diesmal Mathe. Der wiederum um die 40 Seiten umfassende Text - oder waren es 50? - mit textaufgaben beinhaltete Aufgaben wie "wie viel % ist 14 von 25?", also nicht alzu schwierig. Ein Problem stellten jedoch die Sitze dar, da der Test im Auditorium (Das ist der grosse Saal mit den vielen Stuehlen und der Buehne, mir faellt das dt Wort dafuer nicht ein ... wenn es eines gibt...) geschrieben wurde, und kleine Klapptischchen als Schreibunterlage ausreichen mussten.
-> Dann am Nachmittag wurde ich um Uhr 17.irgendwas von meinem Freund Jameson zur Kirche abgeholt, wo an diesem Abend ein Abendessen mit der anschliessenden woechentlichen Chorprobe statt fand.
Die "Saint Peters " church in Plant City ist eine der wenigen traditionelleren Kirchen, katholisch-irgendwie (der rote Schriftzug ist ein Link zur Website der Kirche)
Der Abend war wirklich toll, da dort auch John, den ich aus meiner Gewichtsheben Klasse kenne, und Jessica, Jamesons Schwester in meinem Alter (Jameson ist knapp 16), waren und wir miteinander viel Spass hatten.
Am Donnerstag den 10/4/07
war ausser der ziemlich anstrengenden Bandprobe nichts besonderes... doch: nach der Probe wurde eine Liste mit Namen verlesen, die fuer den naechsten morgen sehr wichtig war; auf dieser Liste war auch mein Name... 
----->>Freitag 5th October 2007<<-------
Freitag, 10/5 waren 25 ausgewaehlte Bandmitglieder (darunter meine Wenigkeit) mit ihren Instrumenten in Plant City downtown, um die Plant City Raider Marchingband zu repraesentieren. Denn
FOX 13 hatte in der "good day Tampa Bay" show fuer "Hometown Friday" Plant City unter die Lupe genommen!
Um 5.00 Uhr morgens klingelte mein Wecker. Um ja nicht zu verschlafen hatte ich Patric (der mich abholte) gebeten mich auf mein Handy anzurufen. Doch weil er meine Handynummer und die Homenumber vertauscht hatte klingelten um 5.20 Uhr im ganzen Haus die 6 Festnetz Telefone, waerend ich gerade unter die Dusche steigen wollte und ein verknitterter Tom reichte mir das Telefon "...your friend..." - yea, its ok, Pat, but make sure u call my cell next time. Dann, um 5.40 verliess ich das Haus in Jeans und Band T-shirt, damit wir auch alle gleich aussaehen.
Um 6.00 Uhr traf man sich bei Fred's Market, um wie ueblich Pancakes with syrup and Bacon in sich hineinzu stopfen
( http://www.fredsmarket.com nicht wirklich was zu sehen aber egal... )
Um 6.30 machten wir uns alle auf zur Schule um die Instrumente zu holen und dann nach downtown Plant City zu fahren. Dort stellten wir uns in einem Halbkreis auf eine Wiese neben einen Parkplatz und sahen zu wie Vans voller Kabel, Kameras und Mikrofonen entladen wurden, typen mit Headsets, Mikros an langen Stielen und Kameras auf der Schulter rumliefen, waehrend ueber der Stadt der Fox13 Helikopter kreiste. Unsere Aufgabe war es, vor und nach den Werbepausen ein paar Stuecke zu spielen, wie den "Hey song" oder den "fight song", der mir unter dem Namen "School Spirit" aus der Blaeserklassen zeit bekannt war, nur das diese Version etwas mehr Spass macht^^.
- Da die good morning Tampa Bay show live ist, konnten wir uns keine Fehler erlauben und musste auch bis zum Ende der show dableiben... zu doof, das wir deswegen die ersten 3 Schulstunden verpassten 
Nach der Schule traf sich die Band um 4.15 pm auf dem Footballfeld um nocheinmal das Programm fuer den Abend durch zu marschieren. Als wir genug geprobt hatten und in den Bandraum der Schule zurueckkehrten wurden wir von einem Berg Pizzaschachteln, Chickenwings, Muffins und einer grossen auswahlt an Cola, Sprite und dergleichen ueberrascht. - Ein Maedchen aus der Band hatte geburtstag und wollte der Band eine Freude bereiten und da die Band ein Haufen verfressener Saecke sind (mich nicht ausgeschlossen^^) war sekunden nach der Entdeckung jeder am Schmatzen^^.
Am Abend beim Footballgame fing es auf einmal kurz vor der Halftime show uebelst an zu regnen, sodass die Holzblasinstrumente nicht spielen konnten und wir fuer die Halftimeshow mit nur Blechblaesern zwei Standtunes spielten ohne zu marschieren. Als der Regen jedoch immer heftiger wurde beschloss man, die Band fruehzeitig nach Hause zu bringen. Also setzten wir uns klitschnass in den Bus und "genossen" unsere einstuendige Fahrt nach Hause...
I war so froh, als ich zu Hause unter der warmen Dusche stand...
Samstag 10/6
An diesem Nachmittag rief mich Jameson an, ob ich nicht lust haette zu einer Footballparty zu kommen. - yea, sure! Also holten er und seine Schwester mich ab und wir fuhren zu Leuten, die auch in der Saint Peters church sind. Das Haus war ziemlich cool, mit grossem Pool im backyard. Es gab Hamburger und Hotdogs und den ganzen Kram - es war einfach cool!
Am Sonntag
hat Jameson mich wieder abgeholt. Es ging zur Kirche, wo ich zum ersten Mal mit dem Chor im Gottesdienst sang. Dazu musste ich eine art Gewandt anziehen, das nur leider nicht lang genug war; doch das war nicht zu aendern. -Bald haben wir mit dem Chor ein Konzert und singen unter anderem "magnificat" und noch ein Lied von Haendel, das mir bekannt war.
Am Montag
habe ich am Nachmittag ... eig. nichts gemacht ausser Ferngesehen. Den auf CW44 kommt weekdays um 5 Malcolm, um 6 two and a ahlf men, um 6.30 Simpsons, 7.00 King of Queens und 7.30 another 2 1/2 men. Das tat auch mal gut.
Am Dienstag
hatten wir wieder Band practice und weil Disziplin im Moment a big issue is, we did a silent practice, which means, whoever talks or moves when standing at attention runs a lab or does push ups^^.
Am Mittwoch wachte ich mit Magenschmerzen und Uebelkeit auf. Tom gab mir ein paar Tabletten und rief in meiner Schule an, dass ich diesen Tag wohl zu Hause bleiben wuerde. So lag ich den ganzen Tag im Bett waehrend der Mittwoch vorueber ging...
Am Donnerstag
hatten wir wieder silent practice. Allmost everybody had to do pushups or run a lab... well i didnt
After practice, which is till 7 pm now Pat, Alisha (one of the two drummajors and me stoped by at KFC to get some chicken!
So far I have been to Freds market with some ppl from Band. And since today is school spirit day they painted my face with orange paint, such as my hair. looks funny^^ Today we'll have a peperally after school (wherer the whole school meets in the gym) to prepare for homecoming a dance at school on saturday - this saturday, to which i will attend, of course. The football game totay is the "homecoming game", to bad, that we have to play the best team in the county...^^
before the end of 8th band members were released to report to the bandroom. We (the band) had to play for the peperally which tool plays outside on the footballfield. And as we stood on the field in an arc, playing, while some jerk forgot to tern of the Rap "music" that came out of four enormous speakers... however, when the stands were full of students a few trucks and cars drove by presenting the 8 (or 9?) candidates for homecoming queen, which should be crowned at halftime at the game, and some other club stuff. Then the student council, dressed as gangsters, had a ...sort of rap battle against the step team^^ it was hilarious!
Then after school we practiced our special halftime show for the crowning ceremonyof the homecoming queen. which consisted of coming on to the field, stay in one spot and play the same song over and over again - very exciting.
At the game our team surprisingly stoped many attacks and even launched counter attacks so that for halftime the score was only 14:10 for armwood yet we had all thought we would be beaten by a three digit number to nothing. Then at halftime the perfectly dressed up homecoming queens were escorted one by one in an open sport car around the field and came on the field through a path where there were ppl houlding flags at each side. All those 15 minutes that it took them to get their fine asses to their designated spot, we had to play that same song over and over again! I thought my lipps would fall of...
finally over, our team could keep the score 14:10 and everybody was pleased and impressed by our football team. but then, news for the band - 'you have to march a postgame show!' - what the *? we havent even practiced for that! ... anyhow we did manage to march our show better than ever before, said our banddirector, but we still have a looong way to go...
Then, on Saturday,
we had the homecoming dance at school. But first i had to get a haircut, so did Patric. So he picked me up early at 8.30 to go to "The American Barbershop" to get an all american haircut. after that we went to bealls, a clothing store, to buy the appropriate clothes for a dance, since i didn't bring my suit from home (germany). Done that we hung out at Pats place for a while and ate something, tried to iron our shirts^^ (we ended up steaming 'em in the bathroom with hot water). Then we had some other friends showing up and we got ready to go to brandon to a nice restaurant for dinner. But Pats date who was still at her house gettin ready (...women...) freaked everyone out, since the dinnertable was reserved for 5 pm and it was allredy 5.30, when she called that she was finally ready and we could come pick her up.
In Brandon we had a great dinner at that restaurant, although i was a little bit disgusted by the medium-raw made steak, that Pat had orderd... after eating we went through the mal ( the restaurant is right next to it) and made some pictures (i didnt bring my camera, but i still might get some of those pictures, especially because i had to be in the middle on each picture with me on it, 'cause of my hight.^^
On the drive to the School (where the dance took place) we stopped by at a gas station since Pats sister, from whom Pat had borrowed the car to drive us to the dance (a real nice car!) didnt think of fillin up on gas. ...and we needed a bunch of energydrinks... at the dance, for which i had do buy a freakin 25$ ticket, they had realy put some work into the decoration with the theam "Las Vegas" and: food and drinks were free
I met so many ppl and i knew so many ppl - i didnt think i knew so many... I danced with some girls and was introduced to some others. One of 'em, whom i gave my cell number ( to dump her some other time, cause i didnt want to say it right in her face, which i apparently should have^^), texted me all the time that night, that was really anoying.
After the dance we crashed at Pats place and stayed up...allmost all night. So I was allready asleep, while some of those crazy guys went to through the neighborhood and egged someones house!^^
Ok, ich weiss nicht mehr was wann an welchem day or date place getaken hat aber hier einige Happenings:
An einem Samstag hatten wir den Ocala Bandcompetition, where we, in our group (die Guppen wurden nach Groesse der Band eingeteilt) made the sixth place out of seven... everyone was disappointed, because we had Bandpractice EVERY single day the week before that freakin competition end we made nearly no progress. So the general mood of the band is bad and several ppl quit band or their parents had them removed from band, 'cause they didnt want themselfs, associated with their children, to be embarressed by the band... but on nov. 3rd there is another Bandcompetition comming up and it doesnt look to good for us...
On a friday I was a guest speaker in Mr. Jacksons Sociology class and told the students about the cultural differences that i had experienced during my time in the US. I was impressed how interested the students were and how many good questions they asked about things that i didnt think of. However it was a very nice experience to talk about how things go where u come from and students listening so patiently.
Then we had soccer tryouts for the soccerteam on four different days. When i introduced my self to the coach and said that i was from germany he lifted his eyebrows and sayd he was from the netherlands (it took me a few seconds, that he didnt mean "oh, our home countries are close together" but that song came into my head ... "ohne Holland fahrn' wir zur WM, ohne Holland..." Oh... On the field, playing, i realized how german my style of soccer was and how we played very german, when we played in Bueppel or somewhere else with some friends.
...ok in deutsch nun... Waehrend wir in die freien Raeume laufen und dort den Ball zugespielt bekommen, waehrend wir uns freilaufen und passend den Ball nach vorne bringen, fummelt man sich hier von einem Zweikampf in den naechsten, bis der Ball durch einen Pressball oder aehnliches wegfliegt, ein anderer sich den Ball snappt und dann sein Glueck mit dem nach vorne kommen versucht. Wie oft stand ich so schoen frei, hatte DIE position zum schiessen... ein einziges mal hatte ich zwei vernuenftige Spieler in meinem Team und wir haben die Gegner so abgezogen. Doch das scheint der Fussball trainer nicht gesehen zu haben, denn als an einem Dienstag die Liste mit den Namen der Spieler, die nun im Fussballteam der Schule waren, konnte ich meinen Namen nicht finden...
"Es gibt dzwei arten von Leuten die ich nicht haben kann, Menschen, die gegenueber anderen Menschen intollerant sind und HOLLAENDER!" ^^ -aus Austin Powers 3, Austins Vater.
Screw that, im trining out for the next school theater play...